Magic: The Gathering
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Welcome to our Magic: The Gathering community, where we bring together MTG players and enthusiasts to celebrate everything Magic with you. Whether you’re a deck builder, competitor, lore enthusiast, or want to learn about MTG, join our amazing MTG community. Connect with our diverse community of MTG-lovers, meet other fans, talk deck-building, and compete against each other at one of our many MTG events.
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What's on?
Destination Qualifiers (Round 3)
Looking for a Round 3 Destination Qualifier in your area? Check out the Destination Qualifiers schedule below!
Each Destination Qualifier presents the opportunity to qualify for the Ultimate Guard European Magic Series Regional Championship – Bologna (25 – 27 April 2025)!
This list will be updated with new dates. Check back for more DQs!
Not sure what Destination Qualifiers are? Check out this article and learn all about MTG DQs!
Destination Qualifier Dates – Overview
Check out all scheduled Ultimate Guard European Magic Series Destination Qualifiers here!